Contact Quantum Health
Hours of Operation
Office hours: Monday - Friday, 8:30 AM - 5 PM, Pacific Standard Time
In Canada:
Many of our products are sold in Canada. Contact our distributor, Purity Life, for the store nearest you: 1-800-265-2615, ext 1.
Office hours: Monday - Friday, 8:30 AM - 5 PM, Pacific Standard Time
Mailing Address
Quantum, Inc.
PO Box 2791
Eugene, OR 97402
Quantum, Inc.
PO Box 2791
Eugene, OR 97402
Many of our products are sold in Canada. Contact our distributor, Purity Life, for the store nearest you: 1-800-265-2615, ext 1.
Questions about your internet order
Comments or questions about a product
We cannot give medical advice but we are happy to answer other types of questions relating to our products. We appreciate any comments you may have about your experience with our products.