Cold Sore Prevention

If you’ve ever had a cold sore, you know how annoying they can be. Treating them as you deal with them might seem like the only option, but that’s not totally true. Our line of Lip Clear Lysine+ products is used for both treatment and prevention of cold sores. Understanding cold sore triggers can help you stay on the lookout for potential outbreaks, as certain external factors can bring on an eruption. Once you understand and know how to anticipate these triggers, you can arm yourself with the right defenses. A common mistake of sufferers is the misidentification of a cold sore as a canker sore. A canker sore is merely a sore in the mouth or on the lip, while a cold sore (or fever blister) is a blister, and can be representative of the Herpes Simplex Virus I (HSV). The makers of Lip Clear Lysine+ can help you understand more about cold sore prevention. Prevention can be broken into two categories:

  1. Preventing the contraction of the herpes simplex virus I. This category deals with the transmission risks of the virus.
  2. Preventing cold sore outbreaks, if you have the herpes simplex virus. This deals with avoiding triggers, staying healthy, and using natural preventative medicines.

Cold Sore Prevention Measures

  • Avoid coming into direct (or indirect) contact with someone showing symptoms of the HSV virus (cold sores or genital sores).
  • Avoid sharing objects on which the virus can live for a short time, like towels or utensils.
  • If you have children, a common method of wiping their face is licking your finger and using your hand. Instead, use a napkin and clean water. (Remember, you can have the cold sore virus and not show symptoms)
  • Below are ways to avoid triggers that can cause cold sore outbreaks:
  • Avoid prolonged exposure to the sun.
    • If prolonged exposure is unavoidable, make sure to use a UV protectant lip balm on your lips, such as Lip Clear Coldstick with SPF 21.
  • Eat foods high in lysine, such as:
    • Chicken, eggs, cheese, milk, fish, potatoes, brewer's yeast, lima beans, and soy products.
  • Avoid foods high in Arginine, such as:
    • Peanuts, chocolate, raisins, cereal grains, seeds, gelatin, and carob.
  • Always find ways to reduce stress.
    • Stress is the number 1 trigger of cold sore outbreaks.
    • Some examples of stress-relief include finding someone to confide in and talk to, reducing workload, getting a massage, or taking a vacation (don’t forget your lip balm!)

Good eating habits and good nutrition help you feel better and raise your immune system. If your immune system is strong, it will have an easier time keeping the herpes simplex virus in check, lessening the chances of an outbreak. Here are a few more things to keep in mind:

  • As much as possible, avoid irritation of the mouth. Avoid:
    • Touching or scratching your lips.
    • Chewing your fingernails.
  • Use a new toothbrush after an outbreak.
  • Use Quantum’s Super Lysine+ or a high dosage lysine dietary supplement formula on a daily or periodic basis, as needed.


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