Does DEET-Free Mosquito Repellent Work?

Does DEET-Free Mosquito Repellent Work?

Few things are more annoying than being bitten by a mosquito. The bites itch and cause discomfort, and mosquitoes can also make it difficult to sleep and concentrate on tasks.

One of the best ways to avoid being bitten by a mosquito is to use an effective repellent. Many of the mosquito repellants on the market today contain DEET. This ingredient is effective but can often cause irritation and is not recommended for use in young children and expecting mothers. For those wanting to avoid DEET, you may be wondering, “does DEET-Free mosquito repellent really work?” – It Does!

Deet-free Mosquito repellants are effective.

DEET may be one of the most common ingredients in insect repellent, but it is not the only effective repellent out there. In fact, many mosquito repellents are made from natural ingredients that are less likely to cause skin irritation. Many of these natural ingredients remain effective for long periods of time as well, giving you time to enjoy the outdoors without continued application. In addition to being gentler on the skin, the ingredients found in Deet-Free bug sprays are also less likely to pollute waterways and damage delicate ecosystems. Ingredients like citronella, peppermint oil, and lemongrass oil are all great at repelling those pesky insects and are the main ingredients inside Quantum Health’s Buzz Away Extreme DEET-Free Bug Spray. So not only does DEET-Free mosquito repellent work, but it can also be better for you and the environment!


Remember, when using any DEET-Free mosquito repellent, it's essential to follow the instructions on the label. Be sure to apply it evenly over all exposed skin for maximum protection. If you're going to be outside for an extended time, consider carrying a small bottle of repellent with you to touch up as needed. If you notice bugs are no longer responding to your initial coverage, it might be time to reapply. Taking these simple precautions can help keep mosquitoes away.

Looking For An Effective DEET-Free Mosquito Repellant?

Quantum Health’s line of DEET-Free Insect Repellent can help you avoid mosquito bites and ensure your time outdoors is enjoyable, safe, and free of itchy welts. Buzz Away Extreme is available in several forms to meet the needs of everyone in your family and can be found in stores and online.

Forgot to apply your DEET-Free Mosquito Repellant before heading out? Try Buzz Away Sting Soothe to help provide relief to that annoying itching and pain.


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