How to Hide a Cold Sore

Using the Lip Clear Cold Sore Bandage to Hide Cold Sores

For many cold sore sufferers, a lip sore can cause embarrassment and self-consciousness.

Now there's help. The Lip Clear Invisible Cold Sore Bandage from Quantum Health can help hide cold sores so that they become almost invisible.

Used by itself, the bandage does an effective job of hiding cold sores for men or women. However, women who use makeup can hide the cold sore so that it is almost impossible to see. In addition, the Lip Clear Bandage covers the cold sore helping to stop contagious spread and protecting the cold sore from contamination and irritation.

If cold sores make your life difficult, you're not alone! According to a poll conducted for the Lip Clear brand by Harris Interactive®, the emotional impact of a cold sore can be extremely demoralizing.

  • Almost half (42%) report being embarrassed by cold sores
  • Overall, 33% try to hide their cold sore(s), with 41% of women reporting this
  • 42% report that a cold sore typically appears at an inopportune time
  • 27% avoid being in pictures if they have a cold sore
  • 19% avoid going out in public during a cold sore outbreak
  • 11% have canceled plans or date due to a cold sore
  • 14% believe people stare at their cold sore
  • 30% worry that they may give the cold sore to someone else

The Lip Clear Bandage is a hydrocolloid patch that attaches directly to the sore. Hydrocolloid is a "moist bandage" technology. In addition, the Lip Clear cold sore patch provides a clean, hygienic surface to which make up can be applied.

Here's how to hide a cold sore using the Lip Clear Cold Sore Bandage.

As you go through this process remember to wash your hands before and after touching your cold sore, and don't contaminate the makeup - if possible, put the makeup you intend to use on the back of your hand.

First, apply the cold sore bandage as directed on the box. Then apply a base foundation or tinted moisturizer over the bandage. Then use concealer where needed. Pat in with fingertips to blend into the patch and surrounding area. At this point you can apply a lip gloss and if you like the result, leave it at that.

To make it last even longer take an additional step and set the color by placing a tissue over the area and gently brush or press the loose powder in to seal the first layer of color. Pat again with a tissue and apply another layer of color for all-day protection and concealment.


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