It's Your Health®

  • When Is a Cold Sore No Longer Contagious?

    The virus that causes cold sores is extremely contagious, so it’s common for people to feel wary about taking part in normal activities out of fear of infecting...

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  • How Does Your Weight Affect Your Immune Health?

    Everyone wants to live a healthy and happy life. However, this is not always the case, and sometimes it's hard to control sickness. While there are many reasons why a person can get sick, many don't realize the impacts being overweight can have on the immune system.

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  • Can I Take Immune Support Products While Pregnant?

    Being sick is not something anyone looks forward to, but this is especially true while being pregnant. While you are pregnant, your body is hard at work...

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  • How to Hide a Cold Sore

    Using the Lip Clear Cold Sore Bandage to Hide Cold Sores For many cold sore sufferers, a lip sore can cause embarrassment and self-consciousness. Now there's help. The Lip Clear Invisible Cold Sore Bandage from Quantum Health can help hide cold sores so that they become almost...

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  • A Strategy For Canker Sore Prevention - Causes And Triggers

    SUMMARY: Research has discovered some of the "causes" of canker sores. A leading Dentist recommends canker sore prevention strategies and treatment options. FULL TEXT: Canker sores may be small, but they cause big, painful problems. Knowing the causes may help to develop a canker sore prevention strategy. Technically,...

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  • How to Stay Healthy Through Cold and Flu Season

    Last Modified on Jul 2, 2024 Key Takeaways Regular handwashing reduces respiratory illnesses. Use hand sanitizer with at least 60% alcohol when soap isn’t available. Adequate sleep boosts the immune system; aim for 8 hours. Annual flu shots reduce the risk of flu-related complications. Support your immune system through...

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  • What is Zinc Gluconate and What Are The Benefits?

    Zinc is a mineral that is essential to many different processes in the body. You don't produce zinc in your body, and you cannot store...

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  • Foods That May Help Support The Immune System

    Your immune system is comprised of a network of cells, tissues, and organs that work together to protect the body. It helps your body to fight off...

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  • Organic Marshmallow Root Benefits

    Marshmallow root is a flowering herb also known as Althaea officinalis. The roots, leaves, and flowers have traditionally been used medicinally in many countries worldwide. It is thought that it may have...

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  • Dentist Dr. Christopher Kammer: Are Cold Sores Contagious?

    Question: Are Cold Sores Contagious? Dr. Chris Kammer answers this question as part of theQuantum Health Oral Care VideoSeries. Answer: Yes, they are contagious and can be spread very easily. To protect yourself and others, it’s important to learn how the herpes simplex virus 1 that causes cold sores can...

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Looking for a Quantum Health retailer near you?

You can find Lip Clear Lysine+ at Walmart, Kroger, Target, Walgreens, CVS, Rite Aid, and everywhere else cold sore treatments are sold.

In addition, you can find other Quantum Health products at retailers like Whole Foods, Sprouts, Natural Grocers, and other stores that sell natural products and supplements.

Still having trouble finding something? Call us at 1-800-448-1448 weekdays between 8 and 5 Pacific Time and we will be happy to help.