It's Your Health®

  • Nutritional Facts about Magnesium

    Every few years, it seems like there’s a new trend or fad in the world of health foods. We’ve seen many things have their time in the spotlight; kale, green juice, sunflower seed butter, mushrooms,...

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  • Tips to Avoid Dry Skin

    With winter fast approaching, we figured now would be a great time to discuss dry skin and what you can do to avoid it as the temperatures begin to drop and the air...

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  • Preparing Your Immune System for Seasonal Change

    How To Help Prepare Your Immune System for Seasonal Changes As summer starts to slowly fade into fall, the time for long, warm, sunny days are...

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  • Potential Benefits of Taking Vitamins for Our Eyes

    We’ve all heard the expression ‘you are what you eat,’ but have you ever stopped and really thought about what exactly that means? The food that we...

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  • Potential Benefits of Immune System Support Supplements

    So many supplements that are on the market today make grandiose claims about what they can do for you that it can be hard to discern fact from fiction. As the...

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  • Throat Lozenges vs. Cough Drops - What are the differences?

    Last Modified on Jun 17, 2024 Summary Throat lozenges and cough drops, while similar, have distinct uses and differences. Throat lozenges are small, flavored tablets that are designed to dissolve slowly and soothe the throat, often containing ingredients like menthol, benzocaine, phenol, or dextromethorphan. Cough drops, however, are more...

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  • Eye Supplements for Gamers

    We depend on our eyes for everything, so it’s no wonder they’ll become strained if they’re overworked for long periods. Children, adults, and professionals of all backgrounds can experience uncomfortable eye strain due to overuse....

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  • Summer Guide to Plant-Based Mosquito Repellents

    Warm weather is perfect for spending more time outdoors doing fun activities like hiking, swimming, having a BBQ, playing yard games, and going camping. While there’s plenty of fun...

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  • Benefits of Magnesium – What to Know

    Magnesium is an important micronutrient that’s essential for maximizing your overall health and wellness. This includes helping support your body’s physical performance by improving nerve, bone, and muscle health. Magnesium can also potentially serve as a mood...

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  • Alternatives to Bug Spray

    Warm weather is a sign that the days are getting longer and that you and your family have more opportunities to play outside and make lasting memories. The change in seasons is also a reminder...

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Looking for a Quantum Health retailer near you?

You can find Lip Clear Lysine+ at Walmart, Kroger, Target, Walgreens, CVS, Rite Aid, and everywhere else cold sore treatments are sold.

In addition, you can find other Quantum Health products at retailers like Whole Foods, Sprouts, Natural Grocers, and other stores that sell natural products and supplements.

Still having trouble finding something? Call us at 1-800-448-1448 weekdays between 8 and 5 Pacific Time and we will be happy to help.